
Currently CredSweeper requires the following prerequisites:

  • Python version 3.7, 3.8, 3.9


We recommend to use credsweeper in a separate virtual enviroment. Some heave dependencies as Tensorflow might create a conflict with other dependencies othervise

Via pip

pip install credsweeper


If you didn’t installed git, you may encounter the following error:


All git commands will error until this is rectified.

This initial warning can be silenced or aggravated in the future by setting the
$GIT_PYTHON_REFRESH environment variable. Use one of the following values:
    - quiet|q|silence|s|none|n|0: for no warning or exception
    - warn|w|warning|1: for a printed warning
    - error|e|raise|r|2: for a raised exception

    export GIT_PYTHON_REFRESH=quiet

If so, please install git.

sudo apt install git


Allows to use ML model classifier to validate credential candidates, but requires setup of additional packages: numpy, scikit-learn and tensorflow.

Via git clone (dev install)

git clone
cd CredSweeper
# Annotate "numpy", "scikit-learn" and "tensorflow" if you don't want to use the ML validation feature.
pip install -qr requirements.txt