Overall Architecture

CredSweeper is largely composed of 3 parts as follows. (Pre-processing, Scan, ML validation)



When paths to scan are entered, get the files in that paths and the files are excluded based on the list created by config.json.


  • exclude
    • pattern: Regex patterns to exclude scan.

    • containers: Extensions in lower case of container files which might be scan with –depth option

    • extension: Extensions in lower case to exclude scan.

    • path: Paths to exclude scan.

  • source_ext: List of extensions for scanning categorized as source files.

  • source_quote_ext: List of extensions for scanning categorized as source files that using quote.

  • find_by_ext_list: List of extensions to detect only extensions.

  • check_for_literals: Bool value for whether to check line has string literal declaration or not.

  • line_data_output: List of attributes of line_data for output.

  • candidate_output: List of attributes of candidate for output.

"exclude": {
    "pattern": [
    "containers": [
    "extension": [
    "path": [


Basically, scanning is performed for each file path, and it is performed based on the Rule. Scanning method differs from scan type of the Rule, which is assigned when the Rule is generated. There are 3 scan types: SinglePattern, MultiPattern, and PEMKeyPattern. Below is the description of the each scan type and its scanning method.

  • SinglePattern
    • When : The Rule has only 1 pattern.

    • How : Check if a single line Rule pattern present in the line.

  • MultiPattern
    • When : The Rule has 2 patterns.

    • How : Check if a line is a part of a multi-line credential and the remaining part exists within 10 lines below.

  • PEMKeyPattern
    • When : The Rule type is pem_key.

    • How : Check if a line’s entropy is high enough and the line have no substring with 5 same consecutive characters. (like ‘AAAAA’)


Each Rule is dedicated to detect a specific type of credential, imported from config.yaml at the runtime.


- name: API
severity: medium
type: keyword
- api
filter_type: GeneralKeyword
use_ml: true
validations: []
- name: AWS Client ID

Rule Attributes


Check the detected candidates from the formal step. If a candidate is caught by the Filter, it is removed from the candidates set. There are 21 filters and 4 filter groups. Filter group is a set of Filter_s, which is designed to use many Filter_s effectively at the same time.

ML validation

CredSweeper provides pre-trained ML models to filter false credential lines. ML validation is on by the default and its sensitivity can be adjusted using --ml_threshold:

--ml_threshold FLOAT_OR_STR
   setup threshold for the ml model.
   The lower the threshold - the more credentials will be reported.
   Allowed values: float between 0 and 1, or any of ['lowest', 'low', 'medium', 'high', 'highest']
   (default: medium)

And ML can be fully disable by setting --ml_threshold 0

python -m credsweeper --ml_threshold 0 ...

Our ML model architecture is a combination of Bidirectional LSTM with additional handcrafted features. It uses last 50 characters from the potential credential and 91 handcrafted features to decide if it’s a real credential or not.


my_db_password = "NUU423cds"


  1. Regular expression extracts `NUU423cds` as a secret value, `my_db_password` as a variable, and `my_db_password = "NUU423cds"` as whole line

  2. Handcrafted feature classes instantiated from classes in features.py using model_config.json. Instantiation process can be checked at ml_validator.py#L46. Features include: ` ` character in line: yes/no, `(` character in line: yes/no, file extension is `.c`: yes/no, etc.

  3. Handcrafted features from step 2 used on line, value, variable, and filename to get feature vector of length 91

  4. `NUU423cds` lowercased and right padded with special padding characters to the length 50. Last 50 characters selected if longer. Only 70 symbols used: 68 ASCII characters + 1 padding character + 1 special character for all other symbols: ml_validator.py#L29. Padded line than one-hot encoded. Link to corresponding code: ml_validator.py#L63

  5. Padded line from step 4 inputted to Bidirectional LSTM. LSTM produce single vector of length 60 as output

  6. LSTM output and handcrafted features concatenated into a single vector of length 151

  7. Vector from step 6 feed into the two last Dense layers

  8. Last layer outputs float value in range 0-1 with estimated probability of line being a real credential

  9. Predicted probability compared to the threshold (see –ml_threshold CLI option) and credential reported if predicted probability is greater



    author={Saha, Aakanksha and Denning, Tamara and Srikumar, Vivek and Kasera, Sneha Kumar},
    booktitle={2020 International Conference on COMmunication Systems   NETworkS (COMSNETS)},
    title={Secrets in Source Code: Reducing False Positives using Machine Learning},