Source code for credsweeper.filters.value_grafana_check

import contextlib
import json

from credsweeper.config import Config
from credsweeper.credentials import LineData
from credsweeper.file_handler.analysis_target import AnalysisTarget
from credsweeper.filters import Filter
from credsweeper.utils import Util

[docs]class ValueGrafanaCheck(Filter): """Grafana Provisioned API Key and Access Policy Token""" def __init__(self, config: Config = None) -> None: pass
[docs] def run(self, line_data: LineData, target: AnalysisTarget) -> bool: """Run filter checks on received token which might be structured. Args: line_data: credential candidate data target: multiline target from which line data was obtained Return: True, when need to filter candidate and False if left """ if not line_data.value: return True with contextlib.suppress(Exception): if line_data.value.startswith("glc_"): # Grafana Access Policy Token decoded = Util.decode_base64(line_data.value[4:], padding_safe=True, urlsafe_detect=True) keys = ["o", "n", "k", "m"] else: # Grafana Provisioned API Key decoded = Util.decode_base64(line_data.value, padding_safe=True, urlsafe_detect=True) keys = ["n", "k", "id"] if payload := json.loads(decoded): for key in keys: if key not in payload: return True return False return True